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上传时间: 1970-01-15
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当你在飞机上俯瞰时,最希望看到什么样的景色?是碧绿的原野,湛蓝的海洋,还是洁白而连绵的山巅? 不论你想看到的是什么样的风景,目光都要透过清澈的大气。那如果有一天,云是灰的,大气中布满尘埃,从云端下视的景色又会如何呢? 其实,人类在实现自由飞翔的同时,也在制造着一年又一年的暖冬炎夏。你知道,一架飞机从天津飞往大连,广州,重庆与首尔将各排放出多少二氧化碳吗?而一棵树一年又能吸收掉多少呢?铁算盘林铁再次出山,看看他计算之后惊人的结果吧! 那么,坐飞机与气候变暖有怎样的关系呢?在本期节目中,林铁带着问题来到了天津滨海国际机场。在这里,男女老少,中外乘客各抒己见,他们的答案是否正确呢?李连杰、周迅现身说法,以亲身经历为观众揭晓答案,连联合国官员也加入了讨论。如果说,举手之劳,便可以补偿乘坐飞机给地球造成的负担,你会尝试吗? 在孩子年幼时,亲手种下一棵树。十年过后,树长高,孩子也已成人,而他在童年见证的,将是对地球对家园的爱与责任。百年过后,人类的飞行继续。希望那时我们还有云淡风轻的天空,还能俯瞰到地球最纯粹的色彩。 When sitting in the plane and looking out the window, what scenery do you want to see? Green farm land, blue seas, or snowy mountains? Without a transparent and clean atmosphere, it would be hard to see anything. If one day, the sky were grey and the clouds were full of dust, would you enjoy the scene outside the plane’s window? Airplanes produce a lot of CO2. Do you know how much a return flight from Tianjin to Dalian, Guangzhou, Chongqing or Seoul might emit respectively? Also, how much CO2 can one tree absorb in a year? The answers are given in Eco Hero by host Lin Tie. “Do you know the link between planes and global warming?” In today’s programme, Lin Tie goes to Tianjin Binhai International Airport where people give him their own views and answers to his question. Kung fu star, Jet Li and Actress Zhou Xun, as well as UN officials join the discussion. Plant a tree for your child. 10 years later, both tree and child will have grown up. By then, when they then travel by plane and look outside the window, they will see the earth covered with a beautiful green carpet.


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