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何益民 民族管弦乐合奏《好日子》

上传时间: 1970-01-16
上传自: 网页

民族管弦乐合奏《好日子》 Please appreciate the bright and lively melody “Good Days” performed by the folk orchestraposer in Hunan Province according to the song with the same name for the first performance of the folk orchestra of our college. 该作品将民族管弦乐的魅力展现的淋漓尽致,是近年来不可多得的优秀民族音乐精品。 It is a rare, high-quality folk musical work in recent years, which fully unfolds the charm of Chinese folk orchestra 指挥:湖南艺术职业学院音乐系主任 青年指挥家 何益民教授 Let’s welcome the conductor Yimin He, the professor and director of the music department of Hunan Art Vocational College. 乐曲采用复三部曲式 The music is structured in the form of duplicate trilogy. 主部更多地采用了原创歌曲《好日子》的旋律加以器乐化, The principal part uses a lot of the melody of the original song “Good Days” with instrumentation. 为中国民族调式中的羽调式,节奏明快,情绪欢乐喜庆。 It uses the Yu mode of Chinese folk modes and has bright rhythm and joyful spirit. 中部主题优美绵长,具有较强的歌唱性, The middle part has exquisite theme and is highly singable. 在调式上是同名羽、徵调式的对置,无论在情绪上,在调式上,在旋法及节奏上都与主部主题形成鲜明对比。 It uses the mode of the opposition of Chinese folk modes Yu and Zhi and forms a sharp contrast with the principal part in spirit, mode, melody and rhythm. 最后通过一段热烈喜庆的打击乐,逐渐将乐曲转入后面的再现部,并通过唢呐的自由华彩乐句,将全曲终止在欢乐的锣鼓声中。 The last part uses the joyful percussion music to enter into the re-appearance part and ends the music in the free sound of Suona and the joyful sounds of gongs and drums.


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