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Poet ! You are the ladder Venus 作

上传时间: 1970-01-16
上传自: 网页
标签: Poet ladder Venus

感谢 王医生的意译版本 分享如下 : ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Venus 谈卫那的诗 @@ Poet! You are the ladder @@ The following was translated by Willie Wang: ****** ****** Piles of writing papers are drafts of poems; They cannot be considered to be food all over the table, But they have spent all the precious years of my youthplete their missions of human life. Now I want to ask our poets, Is there any poet who ever became a big rich By writing poems during his life time? Cu-yuan ? Du-fu ? Or Li-bai ? Translated by Willie Wang 2009-1-15 谈卫那创作


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