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◎中 文 名 台湾散步 全三篇 ◎英 文 名 Taking a Stroll in Taiwan ◎年  代 2009 ◎地  区 台湾 ◎类  别 纪录 ◎语  言 普通话 ◎字  幕 中文 ◎文件格式 x264 AAC ◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576 ◎文件大小 3CD ◎片  长 365 Mins ◎简  介 台湾,是个充满趣味与人情味的地方,因为地处亚洲的交会点以及不断的文化融合下,造就台湾丰富的生命力。巨礼文化精心筹画出版的「台湾散步」共分为景观篇、人文篇、历史篇三个主题,贯穿了丰富多元的人文风貌及多元的角度。 其中,最具台湾味的两个颜色-桃红色、石绿色则大量的运用在??设计当中。桃红,普遍用于早期社会中的衣着、食物等,特别是喜庆的节日当中更常见;石绿,常用于器皿,特别是珍贵的宝物,例如:玉、砖瓦等。这两个用色不但是台湾这块土地文化融合的精神象征,也是记忆的延伸。 「台湾散步」,由里到外涵盖了宏观与细腻的精神层次,片中将导引观者以国际与在地的视角,一起漫步美丽的台湾,不论是身为台湾的一分子或是外乡人士都深具收藏价值! 「台湾散步」蓝光版首次发行分为三张一套,共分三篇,每篇约为二十个章节,每篇约120分钟时间。并配以中英文字幕介绍,除了双字幕制作之外,收录时间之长也是市面少见。而旁白介绍深入浅??出,串以丰富的诗文作品伴诵。 人文篇- 125分(Taking a Stroll in Taiwan: The Humanities): 台湾虽然土地面积不大,但人们在这个土地的产业活动总是充满活力并且络绎不绝。自早年的矿业开采如掏金、煤矿等,到近代农作、渔业等各经济活动及效益闻名世界,其中,台湾的花卉及蔬果物美价廉,每年都占台湾出口产量的重要地位,台湾散步人文篇将介绍台湾的经济发展以及指标性地的文化活动,让大家一探我们的生活产业脉络。 Although Taiwan is small territorially, the people inhabiting the land are industrious and always full of energye a shining example amongst the developing world. Taiwan's competitive yet high quality flowers, fruits and vegetables account for an important part in Taiwan's export production. Taking a Stroll In Taiwan – The Humanities Chapter introduces Taiwan's economic development and key culture activities, and explores the threads that link our lives to the overall production landscape . 景观篇- 125分(Taking a Stroll in Taiwan: The Landscapes): 台湾的地理位置自古以来便占居重要地位,除了四面环海,拥有多变的海景之外,山脉海拔更因高达三千多公尺,虽然土地面积不大,但造就而成的丰富地貌却是各国少见,台湾散步景观篇将介绍台湾特殊地貌的景点,并将镜头深入少见山区及离岛地区如澎湖、兰屿等一窥鲜为人知的自然天堂! Geographically speaking, Taiwan occupies an important position since ancient times. In addition to being surrounded by the ever-changing ocean on all sides, Taiwan possesses mountains that thrust to heights of 3,000 meters above sea level. While small in land mass, Taiwan has a rich landscape that is quite different from the rest of the world. Taking a Stroll In Taiwan – The Landscapes Chapter will introduce the special topography of Taiwan, and reveal the rarely seen mountainous areas as well as off-shore islands, such as Penghu, and Lanyu, thus taking a peep at this little-known natural paradise! 历史篇- 116分(Taking a Stroll in Taiwan: The History): 台湾的历史不算长远,但是数百年因为历经移民、日本殖民时期以及近代民主执政以来已经融合了许多族群以及生活文化,其影响在食、衣、住、行等处处可见。台湾散步历史篇将带大家漫步本岛具代表性的历史景点、饮茶文化、建筑风格等,一探台湾历史的神秘面纱。 Although Taiwan does not have a long history, yet early migration, Japanese colonization, and recent political democratization have all left their indelible marks on the island's cuisine, clothing, housing and modes of transportation.. Taking a Stroll In Taiwan – The History Chapter will lead you on a leisurely journey to uncover the mysteries surrounding Taiwan's past and explore its memorable historical attractions, tea culture and architectural styles.


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