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另一首 粤语广州亚运会主题歌

上传时间: 1970-01-16
上传自: 网页

我听见螺号传海外 I hear the seaconch resonating beyond the seas ngó t?ngg?n lohòw ceun h?ingòi 唤起和风下千千叶船 Awakening thousands of boats under the gentle breeze wùnh?y wof?nk hà c?nc?n yìb seun 与君同筏柳江上 With you we raft on the Stream of Willows yéu gu?nt tonk fàt láwg?ng sèong 见山峰起伏山又连 Observing hills rise and hills roll g?n s?nf?nk h?yfòk s?n yàw lin 人道不妨长做岭南人 They say why not be Cantonese forever yantdòw b?tfong ceong jòw lénknam yant 每添一串红衣娘挂枝头 Everytime a bundle of leechees is added to the branch múi t?m y?t ce?n honky?neong gu? j?taw 也许今世同聚一方只缘份 Maybe in this life its only fate that we meet yáh?y g?mps?y tonkjòy y?tf?ng j? yeunfànt 再想许愿来生两千年 But I wish to be with you for two thousand years j?i s?ong h?yyeùn lois?nk leóngc?n nin ---- 两千年是谁天下 Two thousand years, whose domain has it been leóngc?n nin sì soy t?nhà 乐哉南山下荒仕途 I enjoyed retreating to the Southern Mountains while abandoning my career lògj?i nams?n hà f?ng sìtow 放舟远洋在金山岸 Saling across oceans to the shores of the Gold Mountain f?ngj?w yeúnyeong jòi g?mps?n ngòn 怀中乡土壤永保存 Keeping forever in my bossom the soil of my homeland waij?nk he?ngt?wyeòng wénk b?wceun 愿做彤彤红棉千朵映南粤 I want to be a thousand red cotton tree flowers luminating the land of Namyeud (Cantonia/Guangdong) yeùn jòw tonktonk honkmin c?n ce? y?nk namyeùd 顺江漂落游子泪挂衣裳 My pedals drifting along the river like the prodigal sons tears running down his shirt sòntg?ng p?u lòg yawj? lòy gu? y?seong 你晓紫微遥望天南火红日 You know the North Star watches from afar the rising sun of the south néy h?u j?mey yiumòng t?nnam f?honk yàt 片刻冲入云霄内 In one instant it will break through the clouds p?nh?k c?nkyàp wants?u nòi 与天齐高照 And shine from up high in the sky yeú t?n cay g?wj?u ---- 人道不妨长做岭南人 They say why not be Cantonese forever yantdòw b?tfong ceong jòw lénknam yant 每添一串红衣娘挂枝头 Everytime a bundle of leechees is added to the branch múi t?m y?t ce?n honky?neong gu? j?taw 也许今世同聚一方只缘份 Maybe in this life its only fate that we meet yáh?y g?mps?y tonkjòy y?tf?ng j? yeunfànt 再想许愿来生两千年 But I wish to be with you for two thousand years j?i s?ong h?yyeùn lois?nk leóngc?n nin 难道桑田曾是沧海想寻日 Pray tell if these farmlands were once turbulent sea, thinking of yesterday nandòw s?ngtin cank sì c?ngh?i se?ng campyàt 绣将一段罗绮化江河 When I embroidered a length of silk and turned it into the streams s?w je?ng y?t deùn loy? f? g?ngho 故乡不再唱渔歌仔心难寐 My home village no longer sings fishing songspanies returning sails b?nh?nk y?t lont w?nyeùd j?u gu?yfan 唯愿化做红棉千朵映南粤 I want to be a thousand red cotton tree flowers luminating the land of Namyeud wayyeùn f?jòw honkmin c?nde? y?nk namyeùd 顺江漂落游子泪淌衣裳 My pedals drifting along the river like the prodigal sons tears running down his shirt sònt g?ng p?u lòg yawj? lòy tóng y?seong 你晓紫微遥望天南火红日 You know the North Star watches from afar the rising sun of the south néy h?u j?mey yiumòng t?nnam f?honk yàt 片刻冲破云霄上 In one instant it will break through the clouds p?nh?k c?nkp? wants?u seòng 与天齐 高照 And shine from up high in the sky yeú t?n cay g?wj?u === 我听见螺号传海外 唤起和风下千千叶船 与君同筏柳江上 见山峰起伏山又连 人道不妨长做岭南人 每添一串红衣娘挂枝头 也许今世同聚一方只缘份 再想许愿来生两千年 ---- 两千年是谁天下 乐哉南山下荒仕途 放舟远洋在金山岸 怀中乡土壤永保存 愿做彤彤红棉千朵映南粤 顺江漂落游子泪挂衣裳 你晓紫微遥望天南火红日 片刻冲入云霄内 与天齐高照 (器乐) 人道不妨长做岭南人 每添一串红衣娘挂枝头 也许今世同聚一方只缘份 再想许愿来生两千年 难道桑田原是沧海想寻日 绣将一段罗绮变江河 故乡不再唱渔歌仔心难寐 晚(夜)空一轮新(弯)月照归帆 唯愿化做红棉千朵映南粤 顺江漂落游子泪淌衣裳 你晓紫微遥望天南火红日 片刻冲破云霄上 与天齐 高照


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