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上传时间: 1970-01-15
上传自: 网页
标签: 紫色平原

◎译  名:紫色平原 ◎中文别名: ◎国  家:英国 ◎上  映:芬兰:1954-11-26 / 瑞典:1954-12-20 ◎类  别:动作 / 冒险 / 剧情 / 战争 ◎语  言:英语 ◎字  幕:中文字幕 ◎颜 色:彩色 ◎声 音:mono ◎imdb评分: ◎imdb链接: ◎分 级:澳大利亚:pg 冰岛:12 ◎出品公司:the rank organisation film productions ltd. [英国] two cities films ltd. [英国] ◎发行公司:general film distributors (gfd) ltd. [英国] ..... (1954) (uk) (theatrical) sonoro filme [葡萄牙] ..... (portugal) 联美电影公司 united artists [美国] ..... (1955) (usa) ◎资源类型: ◎制 作: 中途岛联合舰队出品 ◎版 本: ◎片  长:uk:100 min / usa:100 ◎导  演:robert parrish ◎编  剧:eric ambler / h.e. bates ◎主  演:格里高利 派克 安东尼 布谢尔 布伦达 德 班吉 莫里斯 德纳姆 彼得 阿恩 ◎简 介: after crashing his plane in burma, a world war ii royal air force pilot (gregory peck) has time to contemplate how he lost confidence in himself as a wartime pilot and ended up in his predicament.     set during the burma campaign, peck stars as a pilot whose life has already been shattered by the loss of his wife during an air raid on london. shot down after a dogfight with a japanese fighter, he finds himself marooned in the burmese jungle with a badly-injured navigator and a traumatised passenger. how will they make it to safety?

专辑创建者: 小甜甜
视频数:381 播放次数:24958729

最近忙里偷闲下了很多经典的欧美电影,以前看过,现在又看只是想回味一下剧中人物的感情,从新角度去看看这些片子,会有很多不同的感受。曾经年龄还小的时候看这些电影 ...


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