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上传时间: 1970-01-15
上传自: 网页


专辑创建者: ruduan
视频数:1 播放次数:20674

《弟子规》中、英文对照学习版(一) 《Disciple Rules 》Chinese and English Learning Edition(one) 总序 Outline 弟子规 圣人训 首孝弟 次谨信 Di Zi Gui or Standards for Being a Good Student and Chind is a book that was taught by Chinese saints and sages of the ancient book first teaches us how to be duiful to our parents,and how to be respectful and loving to our then teaches us how to be cautious with all people,matters ,and objects in our daily lives;how to be a rtustworthy person;and to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages. 《弟子规》是中国古圣先贤的教诲。首先它教导我们应该怎么孝顺父母和尊重敬爱我们的兄弟姐妹。然后它教我们在日常生活中,对所有人、事、物,要如何保持小心谨慎,要我们做一个有信用的人,教我们要相信古圣先贤的教诲。 泛爱众 而亲仁 有馀力 则学交 Furthermore, it teaches us to love all equally, and to be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion. Only when have accomplished all the above can we then study further and learn literature and art to improve the quality of our cultural and spiritual lives. 接着它教导我们应该要平等地去爱一切众生


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