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The Law Of Karma 因果律

上传时间: 1970-01-16
上传自: 网页

【The Law Of Karma】 因果律 3分02秒  Nature鈥檚 law is perfect and just With a cause the effect is cast Who you are is how you have been The Law of Karma tirelessly spins Your inner thoughts may be well-kept And your speech you may forget Yet one鈥檚 actions will mature The Law of Karma molds the future # Seek enlightenment and search  Let your nature emerge  You too can be a Buddha  You鈥檒l then be free from samsara Honesty, kindness, compassion Yields good Karma鈥檚 germination Welcome Buddha鈥檚 invitation To selflessness and liberation Seek enlightenment and search Let your nature emerge Be free from the Law of Karma Live by the wisdom of Buddha Repeat #  【Album】: 《Science & Buddhism》  Universal Wisdom Foundation (Philippines) 1998  01.  Reason Behind Your Birth  02.  Phenomena and Noumena  03.  Yien  04.  The Key to Happiness  05.  Amitabhas Land of Peace  06.  Compassion  07.  Science and Buddhism  08.  The Path of Gautama Buddha  09.  Eightfold Path  10.  Om Mani Padme Hung Chant  11.  The Law of Karma  12.  Unity in Buddhas Call 【Download】: http://www.buddhanet.net/audio-songs_english.htm

专辑名称: 英文佛曲
专辑创建者: justforyoux
视频数:5 播放次数:898

《延續慧燈》 |《Pass It On》|《科學與佛教》|《Science & Buddhism>


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