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音乐短片 轻音乐 永恒之花 Amarantine -天籁吟唱 恩雅

上传时间: 1970-01-17
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Amarantine永恒之花 -恩雅 You know when you give your love away 当你付出了真爱 It opens your heart 它会打开你的心扉 Everything is new 1切都会焕然1新 And you know time will always find a way 时光总有它的方式 To let your heart believe 让你的心相信 it s true 爱是真的 You know love is everything you say 爱蕴含在你的言语中 A whisper, a word 每1声轻轻的低语、每1句话中 promises you give 每1个你做出的承诺中 You feel it in the heartbeat of the day 时光流逝中你感受到真爱 You know this is the way 这就是爱 love is 它存在的方式 Amarantine 永不凋谢的花啊 Love is always love 爱正如它般永恒 Amarantine 永不凋谢的花啊 Love is always love 爱正如它般永恒 You know love may will sometimes make you cry 也许有时候爱让你伤心哭泣 So let the tears go 就让眼泪落下 They will flow away 它们最终会消逝无踪 For you know love will always let you fly 爱让你张开1双翅膀 How far a heart can fly away 飞向心所向往的远方 Amarantine 永不凋谢的花啊 Love is always love 爱正如它般永恒 Amarantine 永不凋谢的花啊 Love is always love 爱正如它般永恒 Amarantine 永不凋谢的花啊 Love is always love 爱正如它般永恒 You know when love s shinning in your eyes 当爱在你的眼中绽放光芒的时候 It may be the storms fallen from above 也许暴风雨正要降临 And you know love is with you when you rise 爱1直伴在你的身边 For night and day belong to love 日日夜夜,爱1直与你同在

专辑名称: 经典歌曲
专辑创建者: 秋日&无语
视频数:7 播放次数:1571855


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