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TiNa - 演唱會練習 "Forever Love" on Jan 16

上传时间: 1970-01-17
上传自: 网页

TiNa - 演唱會練習 "Forever Love" on Jan 16

专辑名称: abum love true
专辑创建者: sugar
视频数:18 播放次数:13488
标签: aum you love true now

They love to be together, to cover transport, care for each other. Since people love each other, we want to share our love, in the morning mist in the wind phon or ring seal on the top of the tree. It is not love that night, day, shadow and light. Love is a constant evolution, not knowing when to stop. But those moments almost invisible and that aerial light, sometimes it is something we have to look for a lifetime ...


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