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上传时间: 1970-01-21
上传自: 网页

Professor Harold Cray, a renowned quantum physicist at Harvard, stumbles upon a hidden truth while researching the Casimir effect. What begins as a curious anomaly spirals into a mind bending revelation—our reality is a mere thread in an infinite web, manipulated by unseen forces. As Cray delves deeper, his discoveries push the boundaries of science and sanity, uncovering secrets that were never meant to be known. Witness his journey as he confronts the Architects of our universe, in a race against time before he s erased from existence. Will he reveal the truth, or will he vanish into the void 哈佛大学著名量子物理学家哈罗德•克雷教授在研究卡西米尔效应时偶然发现了一个隐藏的真相。 一开始是一个奇怪的异常现象,后来演变成一个令人费解的启示——我们的现实只是无限网络中的一根线,被看不见的力量操纵着。 随着克雷的深入研究,他的发现突破了科学和理智的界限,揭开了一些不为人知的秘密。 见证他与我们宇宙的建筑师对抗的旅程,在他被从存在中抹去之前与时间赛跑。他会揭露真相,还是会消失在虚空之中?

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