Dr. Robert Ballard, a renowned oceanographer, obsessed with Atlantis, ventures alone into the mysterious M 41 site in the depths of the Canary Islands. He discovers tunnels with strange magnetic fields creating air pockets in the underwater caves. As he delves deeper, an ancient throne emerges from the darkness, he s engulfed by visions of Atlantis s catastrophic downfall. The revelation is a dire warning of a forbidden power. On the brink of unearthing a dark tale of ambition and destruction, Ballard senses a presence closing in... To be continued 着迷于亚特兰蒂斯的著名海洋学家罗伯特•巴拉德博士独自冒险进入加那利群岛深处神秘的 M 41 遗址。 他发现了带有奇怪磁场的隧道,在水下洞穴中形成了气穴。当他深入探索时,一个古老的王座从黑暗中出现,他被亚特兰蒂斯灾难性毁灭的幻象所吞没。 这一启示是对禁忌力量的可怕警告。在揭开一个充满野心和破坏的黑暗故事的边缘,巴拉德感觉到有一种存在正在逼近…… 待续