Dr. Eliana Vargas, a renowned archaeologist, leads her team into the jungles of Belize, drawn by a discovery at the ruins of Uxmal. They unearth mysterious keys made of an unknown, humming metal, and stone tablets that, when exposed to moonlight, reveal a hidden map leading to a forgotten temple near Xunantunich. Following the map, the team navigates treacherous terrain, uncovering a temple adorned with carvings of the serpent deity Kukulkane its latest victims. 著名考古学家 Eliana Vargas 博士被乌斯马尔废墟的发现所吸引,带领她的团队进入伯利兹丛林。他们挖出了由一种未知的嗡嗡作响的金属制成的神秘钥匙和石碑,当这些钥匙暴露在月光下时,会显示一张隐藏的地图,通往苏南图尼奇附近一座被遗忘的寺庙。 小队沿着地图,穿越险恶的地形,发现了一座装饰着蛇神库库尔坎雕刻的寺庙。在里面,神殿苏醒了,人们发现它不仅是一座遗迹,而且还是一个古老邪恶力量的监狱。随着寺庙的秘密被揭开,团队必须面对内部的恐怖,否则就会成为最新的受害者。