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the apexians dark lords of the galaxy银河系的顶点黑暗领主

上传时间: 1970-01-21
上传自: 网页
标签: 银河系 外星人

From the dawn of civilization, the Apexians descended upon Earth, masquerading as gods to the Sumerians of its hidden treasures. Banished by the mysterious Wise Ones to the distant Orion Belt, they evolved into emotionless beings of unparalleled intellect and malice. Now, as galaxies tremble, the Apexians return with a vengeance. The fate of humanity and the cosmos hangs by a thread as an epic clash looms—a battle that will redefine existence itself. 从文明诞生之日起,顶峰人就降临到地球上,在苏美尔人面前伪装成神。他们的真正意图是:奴役人类并剥夺地球上隐藏的宝藏。他们被神秘的智者放逐到遥远的猎户座地带,进化成没有感情的生物,拥有无与伦比的智力和恶意。 现在,当星系颤抖时,Apexians 复仇归来。一场史诗般的冲突即将来临,人类和宇宙的命运命悬一线——一场将重新定义存在本身的战斗。

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